Have you ever asked yourself these questions?

Why do you listen to speeches?

Are you bored and you have nothing else to do?

Do you have this weird habit of listening to people talking?

Or maybe you are being forced to listen to these presentations by your bosses?

My guess is; you listen to speeches because you want to learn something from these speakers. You want to get valuable information. In other words, you are looking for great speech content. Of course, listening to a speaker with good sense of humour may lighten up your day. However, if the speech does not give you what you seek, why do you listen to the speech? Am I right?

Now, another question, let say you are the speaker, do you know which one is more important? Is it the way you deliver your speech? Or is it the content of your speech?

Well, you know the saying, ‘content is king’. No matter how good you are at delivering a speech, it all comes down to what you can do for your audience.

So the real question is; what makes good speech content?

1) Content with Clear Purpose

We all need purpose. Our lives need purpose. Without purpose we will be lost. Before you do anything, always know why you are doing it. If you are on the road, you must decide where you are going. Otherwise you will be going in circle!

In this case, purpose refers to the reasons why you are giving a speech. Is it to inform you audience of something useful that can help them? It is to motivate them to change for better? Or are you trying to persuade them to try something?

Good speech content must be able to represent these purposes. It should be clear to you (and your audience!) what your speech is all about. It should also be clear to you what you wish to accomplish in the end of your speech.

By knowing the purpose of your speech, it will be much easier for you to plan your speech and come up with a well-organised one. And it gives your audience less headache figuring out what you are talking about.

2) A Well-Organised Content

Any speech should be well-structured. It must be well-organised with an introduction, points (at least three points) and a conclusion. It will be easier for your listeners to understand the points you are making.

The beginning of a speech determines whether your audience are going to listen to the speech or fall asleep in the process. The points represent the valuable information that they are seeking. And the conclusion makes a great finish and should provide some degree of satisfaction from listening to the speech.

It is like having your dinner at a fancy restaurant; Starter, main course and lastly dessert!

3) Content Suitable For Your Audience

I cannot stress this enough. Good speech content must never be too complicated for your audience to take in. Your audience must never have to crack their brains out to understand your speech.

Know your audience well and adjust accordingly. Your content must be suitable for your audience. Do not use difficult words or unfamiliar terms when you speak. I know. At times we are tempted to use words which we think might impress others in a way. But what is the point of using those impressive words if nobody gets it?

So, just keep it simple. Use words which most people can relate to. When it is easy for them to understand you, they will want to listen to what you have to say. When they listen to you, you shall be able to connect with them. Isn’t that what you wish to achieve?

However in some cases, this rule does not apply. For example if you are speaking in front of an audience of a certain background like a group of professors. Then, you can decide on using familiar terms with them and choose the right words to use for this specific type of audience.

4) Content with substance.

When you speak, always remember that you are speaking to human beings. They have feelings and emotions. They are not computers. Good speech content must sync with these emotions to be able to connect well with the audience. 

Have some substance in your content. It makes a lot of difference and helps you to communicate thus connect. Your speech content must not be all numbers, calculations or statistics.

Besides giving data, facts and information, try adding in stories to your content. Relate the stories with the information you are explaining. At least show some pictures or tell jokes. Your audience will appreciate a speech that is not only educational but also inspiring and entertaining.

Good speech content must make your audience think and feel at the same time. They will remember the details of your speech and how you made them feel!

5) Content with Take Home Message

Imagine you are buying a perfume and surprisingly you get a free gift; a set of an expensive facial cleanser and anti–ageing night cream! You must be so happy!

Imagine you are listening to a speaker talking about healthy eating and while listening to the speaker (who is telling stories of his real life experience) you suddenly realise that health is so important and you are determine to change your lifestyle. That realisation my friend is your free gift. That is because the speech has a take home message.

Good speech content must have a take home message. Take home message added value to your speech content. Take home message makes your audience think, understand, realise and perhaps change. Take home message motivates and inspires. Take home message is what makes a great speech.

Therefore, my take home message to you…

As a speaker, there are many things you can do if you use your skills wisely. Public speaking is about communicating, connecting and sharing. You can change people’s mind-set and make a difference by speaking up. Never take your speech content for granted. Write your speech content well; with passion and sincerity. Add good quality and value to your speech content.

Because…Great content usually lead to great speech.

And great speeches change the world.

Written by: Intan Salwana Anis
@2018 Public Speaking Is Cool. All Rights Reserved

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