How To Organize A Speech?

Organise a speech

   It is quite simple actually.The reason why  people deliver speeches is to convey messages   to others. 

    For example;

    1) To explain how good a product is and convince people to buy the product.

   2) To explain the importance of looking after  our health and to persuade people to lead a  healthy life.   

    3) To tell a story of a struggling singer and inspire others to never give up on their dreams.

    In order to get the message through, the audience or your listeners must understand the speech. What good is a speech when nobody gets it? The way to make this happen is to organise your speech. So how do you organise your speech?

A well-organised speech must have; 
(in the right order)
      1)The introduction of speech
      2)The body of speech
      3)The conclusion of speech

The Introduction of Speech

I am sure you know what an introduction is but I am going to explain it to you anyway. An introduction is words/sentences to say at the beginning of a speech. An introduction is an opener where the speaker tells the audience what he/she is going to talk about.

You can’t just jump into the point of your speech without introducing it first. If you disregard the introduction, your audience might not understand what you are trying to say as well as they should. You should also find a way to make your introduction as interesting as possible.

An introduction can be anything; let say your speech title is, ‘Believe In Your Dreams’.
  You can start with a question,” Do you have a dream?”
   You can start by telling a joke which relate to your title of course.
  You can start by telling stories about yourself or others related to believing in dreams.

A good introduction will encourage your audience to be curious and continue to listen to your speech.

 The Body Of Speech

After your introduction, the next thing you should be focusing on is the body of your speech. The body of speech represent the points that you are trying to get across.

For a good speech, I recommend three (3) points to be presented. You can have more than (3) points of course. But in terms of effectiveness, it is better not to have too many points. This is because your audience may not be able to absorb too much information at one time.

Please make sure you explain each point clearly to your audience. There must be main points and sub points. State the main points and elaborate the points in your sub points.

I give you a simple example; let say your speech title is ‘How to stay healthy’

Main Points (#3)
1.         EAT HEALTHY
Sub points;
·       Eat more vegetables and fruits
·       Eat less fat and take less oil
·       Eat small meals 5-6 times a day
   Sub points;
·       Do cardio
·       Do weight training
3.         AVOID STRESS
Sub points;
·       Go for vacations
·       Read books
·       Watch comedy

Simple isn’t it? Don’t forget to explain more on your sub points.

The Conclusion of Speech

The conclusion of speech is summarising your points/ topics before ending your speech. Please don’t finish your speech abruptly. The conclusion is a great way to emphasise on the points that you made before concluding your speech. Do come out with an impact conclusion. It’s like eating a delicious desert after dinner. What a satisfying feeling for your loyal audience.

So remember;

Organising a speech is like building a structure. You need all the elements to make it a strong one. If you deliver a speech without organising it first, (no matter how good your points are) you will never get the message across. Nobody will understand what you are taking about.

Organising a speech is important both in prepared speech or impromptu speech. Some good impromptu speakers organised their speech every time they speak. They seem to have this mind map in their head. Well, this needs lots of practice and many years of experience no doubt.

Hey…don’t worry about that. You will be there someday. Starting by organising your speech ;))

Written by: Intan Salwana Anis
@2017 Public Speaking Is Cool. All Rights Reserved.

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