Awesome Tips On Speech Delivery

speech delivery awesome tips
Deliver a speech with ease 

I love listening to people giving a speech. I like to observe their delivery style. Every speaker delivers their speech in their own unique way. Some are really good that the audience are glued to them like the ants drawn to the sugar cubes. These speakers tell amazing stories and inject some humour into their speech. You can’t get enough of them.

Unfortunately, speech delivery is often taken for granted by some speakers. They think that the audience will listen to them if they can come out with good content. Therefore, the speech will rely only on the content. 

We can’t deny the fact that speech content is very important. However, good speech content will not be able to reach the audience if the speakers can’t get the audience to listen to them.

You must be saying, “Wow such a long explanation”. Yes, I know.

Since today is an awesome day, I am going to share with you some awesome tips on speech delivery. I hope these tips will be a great help to you.

Pay attention to your voice

When you deliver a speech, you must pay attention to your voice. The way your voice sounds determine whether your audience want to continue listening to you. Your voice needs to be loud enough (not too loud) for your audience to hear. If they can’t quite hear what you are saying, they will not want to listen at all.

Your voice must be forceful when you need to be but pleasant and natural at the same time. You must be wondering what I meant by that. Alright let me explain this to you. Let say, you included a story in your speech. You added some conversation or situation in your story line. Here, you need to show different or variety of voices depending on your story. A monotone voice without intonation will bore your audience completely.

    Pay attention to your stance, movement and gestures.

Stance means the way you stand in front of your audience. You must stand straight and do not slouch. Stance is an indication of your self-confidence. The same thing goes to your movement and gestures during your speech. The question is what is your level of nervousness?

The way you move during your speech is important too. You need to walk or move with a purpose. Some people like to walk back and forth when they are delivering their speech. Well, they are probably nervous. Instead of focusing on what the speaker is saying, the audience are pretty much disturbed by the movement. In other cases, some speakers prefer to stand in one place without moving. This is also not recommended. Seriously? It must be exhausting!

Gestures on the other hand are movement you make with your head, shoulders or arms. Gestures should look natural. The way your move your hands has to be for a reason. Some speakers make a mistake by moving their hands every time they start to speak. It looks unnatural. It is alright to stop any gestures at some point during the speech.

 Have eye contact with your audience

Do you trust a person who speaks to you but avoiding any eye contact? What do feel about this person? Is this person sincere? Is this person lack of self-confidence? Do you think you should believe in what the person is saying?

The same thing applies to speech delivery. As a speaker, the reason for you to deliver a speech at the first place is to convey messages. If you can’t look into your audience eyes, how will your audience be moved by your speech? Eye contact shows your sincerity and convinces your audience of your words.

For a beginner, I know it is difficult to have some eye contact with your audience. Most likely you are shy and apprehensive. Don’t worry. You are not alone on this. I was shy too when I delivered my first few speeches. With lots of practice, you will be able to look into your audience’s eyes and deliver your speech.

What you can do is, look for a friendly face. Have an eye contact with the person. Then slowly you can start looking at others too. This might help you to overcome your  feelings.  

    Be alert of your facial expression

Watch any good movies lately? Don’t you just love a good actor who has many facial expressions? Is he sad? Oh, he must be really angry. Oh no! He is confused! Oh my! He has a secret?

I was in the theatre for 4 years. Facial expression is crucial, significant and essential to me. Wait a minute. Read this carefully. I am not saying you should put an act during your speech. You must always be sincere while giving a speech. However, you do need to have some facial expression when you deliver a speech. Your facial expression must be consistent with your feelings.

Let say, you are giving a speech on ‘Don’t Lose Hope’. In your speech, you are talking about the death of a friend. Can you imagine how your audience will perceive your speech when you talk about death with no facial expression at all? No sadness on his face? No emotions? Is his story real? This is why facial expression should not be ignored.


Speech delivery is related to the body language. As a speaker, you must use the right body language and to use your voice the right way. When you have a speech with good content and deliver it well, you will have an awesome speech. Bear in mind, your speech delivery will be better with lots of practice. This is where experience comes in.

Honestly, I do not believe that there is such thing as a perfect speech. But I do believe that a good speech is more than just good content and excellent speech delivery techniques. Well perhaps in another post? 

Written by: Intan Salwana Anis

@2017 Public Speaking Is Cool. All Rights Reserved. 

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