Public Speaking Tips : What Are You Going To Talk About?

Public Speaking Tips : What should you talk about
How To Find Your Speech Topic?

What am I going to talk about?

This might be the first question which crosses your mind when you are asked to give a speech. Yes. Finding a topic for your speech is not always easy. At times it can be quite complicated and time consuming.

So how do you choose a speech topic?

First, take a deep breath. You can’t think of a speech topic when you are not relaxed. Can you? Next, you can read some helpful tips I listed below.

Tips 1: Know Your Speech Purpose

If you read my recent post titled ‘Why Are You Giving a Speech’, you should be able to identify your speech purpose by now. Click here. If you have not read it, it is alright. Let me explain about it to you very briefly.

In order to decide what you are going to talk about, you must first determine why you are speaking in the first place. Is it to inform your audience? Is it to persuade your audience? Is it to entertain your listeners? Or is it to inspire them?

Once you have decided on your speech purpose, it will be easier for you to find your speech topic.

Tips 2: Know Your Topics

One important thing to remember is to find a topic that you really know about. Find a topic which is related to what you do or based on your experience. In other words, find a speech topic that you know by heart. Choose a topic that is close to your heart. You can’t expect yourself to speak about skydiving if you have never done it before, right?

By understanding your topic well, it will be natural for you to talk about it. Your knowledge and experience on the topic will add some credibility and good quality to your speech. Thus, it will reflect your reputation as a speaker.

Tips 3: Find Topics That Interest People

Even though you should choose a topic that you know well, there is one more thing which you need to consider. You may need to review whether your speech topic appeals to others or not. Will people want to listen to your speech topic?

No matter how much you like the speech topic you have decided on, your audience views and opinions are not to be ignored. They have to be interested in your speech topic. They must also be able to relate to your speech topic.

What is the point of delivering a speech when nobody is listening?

Tips 4: Know Your Audience

If you wish to come up with the right speech topic, the next thing you must know is who your audience are. The information regarding your audience is useful for you to decide on what to talk about.

 Find out about your audience:

Gender – You know what they say. Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus (John Gray, 1992). Before you give a speech find out whether your audience are of the same gender or both? When you choose your speech topic, take into consideration whether the topic will gain your audience’s attention (in terms of gender).

   Age  – Are your audience mostly young people or older people? Are they small children? Are they mostly teenagers? Are they in their 30’s? Are they older, wiser and more experienced? Or senior citizens?

The age of your audience will determine the success of your speech. You must choose a speech topic that is suitable for their age group. For example; I don’t think your audience in their 70’s will be interested to listen to a speech topic about Career Advancement. Well. Maybe some of them might. OH, you know what I mean.

  Background  - This is important too. Before you choose a speech topic, please find out more about your audience’s background. Are they newbies? Are they well educated? Do they have any experience in what you are going to talk about? Are they knowledgeable about the speech topic?

Let say a speaker did not make an effort to find out about his audience’s background. He went on giving a speech on ‘Public speaking basics’ without realising his audience were mostly professional public speakers! I can’t imagine the look on his face when he found out!

I remember what a friend told me a few months ago. My friend was volunteering in helping cancer patients in a hospital. There was a talk and the speaker was a doctor. My friend said she and the other volunteers were having difficulties in understanding the doctor’s speech. She said the doctor was talking about a topic which only doctors and nurses can relate to. The doctor was also using medical terms which they never heard off. 

So please do not make the same mistake. You will not be able to reach your audience and get the message across if you choose the wrong speech topic for them. You have to speak in a way that your audience will understand. You need to choose a speech topic that your audience can relate to. You must speak ‘their language’. Otherwise, your speech is bound to fail before it even started.

  Sensitive Issues – This is something which some speakers take for granted. When you choose a speech topic, please be careful. Be aware of any sensitive issues. Do not choose a speech topic that will offend others. Do not talk about or speak about a topic which may trigger anger, hatred and frustrations.  Be a responsible speaker.

Tips 5: Know Your Event

Where are you going to give a speech? Before you decide on what you going to talk about, please find out about the event. Are you giving a speech during a seminar?  Is it at a class? Will it be at a convention? Is it going to be a formal or informal event? Where is the location or venue? Who will be there? Any special guest will attend the talk? 

You might be asking what all these have to do with choosing your speech topic. You see, by knowing your event you can actually avoid making some errors.

Let me explain. Some topics may not be relevant to some venue, location or the reason of the event. Therefore it is important to see what the event is all about. If the event is a public event then the speech topic need to a general topic which everyone can relate to. If the event is an informal event, the speech topic can be more flexible.

What to do next?

After you have considered the above tips, the next thing you can do is brainstorming for ideas. Write down the speech topics and run through them one by one. See if the topic serves your speech purpose. Make sure the topic is about something you know well and will interest others. Find out if the speech topic is suitable for your audience and the event.

Once you know what you are going to talk about, select a good title for your speech. Be creative and imaginative. You can come up with a catchy title but ensure that the speech title does not confuse your audience with the content of your speech. Some speakers pay too much attention in creating an appealing speech title that they forget to focus on the content.

I hope I have answered all your questions. As I said before, it can be challenging to choose your speech topic yet it is not possible if you follow the steps. Take your time and plan your speech.

Don’t worry. Eventually, the ideas will come to you. Just believe in yourself. Good luck. See you soon!

Written by : Intan Salwana Anis@2017 Public Speaking Is Cool. All Rights Reserved.

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