Hi again. It’s been a while since my last post. I was taking a little break from writing my blog. There I was, relaxing and doing the everyday things I do when suddenly I realised something. Something I have never thought relevant before. But here is the truth.

You see, we often search for complicated, technical and strategic ways to improve our public speaking skills. We are so ambitious that sometimes we overlook what is in front of us.

Do you know that the simple everyday things you do can actually make you a better speaker?

You don’t believe me? Are you wondering which simple everyday things you do that I am referring to?


I cannot stress this enough. A speaker must never deliver a speech without knowledge. A speaker should not deliver a presentation without the accurate information.

Reading a lot helps you to become a better speaker because reading provides you with the necessary knowledge. Reading feeds you with the facts of the topics which you are planning to speak about.

It doesn’t matter whether you are reading a book, an article, a blog, a journal or a research paper; as long as there are useful insights that you can get.

A knowledgeable speaker is a powerful speaker. People with expertise, proficiency and wisdom gain respect from others. If you must know, famous and successful people love to read!

The many advantages of reading for a speaker;
A) Reading gives you many ideas for the topic of your speech.
B) Reading provides the information and facts you need for your presentation.
C) Reading makes you see things from different perspectives and views of others.
D) Reading engages your imagination and creativity.
E) Reading improves your spelling, vocabulary and writing skills. 

2) Listening To Your Favourite Music

Yes. It’s music to your ears. How can listening to music help you to become a better speaker?

You see, music helps you to relax and stay calm. Everybody has their own favourite music and songs. It doesn’t matter what type of music you like to listen to. It can be hard rock, R&B, classical music or even instrumental. It can be funky songs or motivating songs. One thing for sure, it gives you some peace of mind.

Listening to music helps to calm your nerves. When you know how to be calm, you will be a better speaker. Everybody knows that too much anxiety for a speaker is never a good thing.

3) Talk To People

Here, I am referring to your normal act of communicating with others. Talk to people, have a conversation and mingle. When you are doing your morning walk at the park for example, talk to the man at the burger stand. When you ride a taxi, have a conversation with the taxi driver. If you are free, take some time to talk to your employees.

Please don’t get over excited. I’m not asking you to be extremely friendly all of a sudden :)

Let me explain. By talking to people, you will listen to their stories and their life experiences. You will learn about their likes and dislikes. You will understand the problems they are facing every day and what they seek in life. It will give you some ideas for your speech, open up your mind and let you see things from other outlook.

Thus, you will be a better speaker who is approachable, intuitive and compassionate. You will be more aware of your audience feelings. This will help you to connect easily with your audience during your presentation.

4) Watch Movies/ Plays

Oh come on! Seriously? How is this going to help you to become a better speaker? Do you really want to know?

As a speaker, if you plan to deliver a great speech, you need this. Watching movies help you to get in touch with your feelings, understanding emotions and learn how to say out dialogues which will be helpful if you plan to add stories into your speech presentation.

By watching movies and plays, you know how powerful stories work and you can understand how stories are made. You can learn how to write a good story with an interesting plot, a bit of twist and a good ending. Listening to the actors teach you how to say the words correctly, being more expressive and lively when you speak to your audience.

A movie or plays usually have messages. Certain movies inspire you. From there, you learn how to motivate your audience and give them the same effect that the movies have on you.

5) Exercise And Drink Enough Water

Exercise is not only good for your body. It is also good for your mind too. By doing exercises regularly, you will be healthy, fit and strong. To do a presentation, you need to have enough stamina. It can be quite exhausting to be talking and standing for a long time. When you are in a good shape, you will not feel tired easily and you will look great too!

Besides that, as a speaker, you can’t avoid stress completely. Normally it will be stressful every time you speak in front of an audience. As you know, exercises reduce stress. You can do a light exercise before you go up on stage. You will be familiar with the right way of breathing and learn to relax.  

Less stress and looking fabulous, you shall be more confident than ever before. Believe it or not, exercise can help improve your performance during your presentation. And make you a better speaker!

Last but not least. A simple everyday thing you do that can help you to become a better speaker is drinking enough water. Remember, as a speaker, your voice is priceless. You can’t give a speech or a presentation if you lose your precious voice.

Good voice means good delivery. You may not realise how important it is to drink water. Take good care of your voice. Don’t scream or strain your voice. Drinking water is definitely a habit that you must not do without.

So, that’s it; what I have discovered during my short yet fun ‘get away’ time. Did you find it interesting that the simple everyday things you do can actually make positive impact on your skills?

The next time you do that everyday things that you do, ask yourself this question. Can this make me a better speaker?

Think about it. You might surprise yourself ;)

Written by : Intan Salwana Anis
@2018 Public Speaking Is Cool. All Rights Reserved.

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