
We all need connection…

Don’t you just hate it when you try to surf the internet but there is no Wi-Fi connection?

Don’t you just hate it when you go out for your first date and you realised there is no real connection?

I know the feeling. It can be very frustrating.

You see, connection is very important to us human beings.

Without it, there will be no communication.

And it’s not just about surfing the internet or getting the man or woman of your dreams…

As a speaker or a presenter, do you have any idea how important it is to connect with your audience? Yes, it is very important. If you are not able to connect with them, your speech or presentation will not be effective.

To be able to connect with your audience, you need to understand humans or in other words; people.

So, what are the ways to connect with your audience?

1) Touch Their Hearts 

In our everyday life, we like to be connected with others. We love to communicate with each other. We enjoy talking to one another. We love to watch movies that make us cry and laugh at the same time.

Humans can never avoid emotions. Although I do admit, some humans can be rather heartless. (Well, that’s another story) Having emotions is what makes us different than other creatures ever created.

So, when you are giving a speech or a presentation, understand that one way to connect with your audience is by touching their hearts. Stories excite them. Experiences interest them. Add stories to your speech. Tell them what you have learned in life. Share with them some of your precious moments.

Be transparent about your own feelings and be willing to open up to them. Be sincere and gain their trust. Make them laugh, make them cry and make them feel at ease. It’s human nature. We connect with people who make us feel good. Make yourself likeable.

The secret here is through the heart. That’s how you can connect with your audience.

2) Give Them Something To Think About

Besides emotions, humans use their minds. The mind is another way to connect. Some people connect better with others by sharing ideas or finding solutions together. The mind holds the power of great imagination.

As a speaker, give your audience something for them to think about. Ask them questions or do some brainstorming activities. Smart and intellectual audience will find this rather interesting. 

Challenge their minds to build some excitement. Have some discussions and listen to different views and opinions. These activities shall inspire and motivate your audience. When they see the relevance of your speech presentation, you will be able to connect with them in no time.

3)Talk About Something They Can Relate To

This is common sense. How can your audience possibly connect with you if you tell them something they can’t understand? How can they understand your message or points if they can’t relate to it?

Before you give a speech or a presentation, it is always wise to know who your audience are. Speak their language and find out what interest them.

Ask yourself these questions.

Will they be able to relate to your topic?

Is it something they want to hear?

Choosing the right topic to talk about will determine everything. If they can relate to what you are talking about and they are interested to listen to you then there will be a connection. One way to connect with your audience is to get the right “formula”. Capture both the hearts and the minds.

4)Listen to Them and Understand

We usually see this problem within a family. There are some parents who can’t connect with their children because of one reason. They never really listen and try to understand their children. If they spend some time to get to know them, they might see things differently.

The same thing applies to your audience. You can’t expect to connect with your audience if you don’t make an effort to know who they are. Ask your audience questions. Listen to their answers. Get some feedback from them regarding your presentation. Let them ask you questions and respond to them. Try to understand them, their problems, their culture and their sensitivity.

Find out what they seek and help them as much as you can. Make them feel important. Offer them encouragement and support. Show them the presentation is about them and it is never about you. Once the speaker and the audience understand each other, it will build a strong connection between the two. Keep in mind that we can actually learn from one another.

Again, why do you need to connect with your audience?

Being connected is the key to a successful speech or presentation. By connecting with your audience, you can get their attention, engagements and involvement. If you can connect with them, you will be able to influence, get the message across and gain their true understanding. You have to connect with your audience in order to reach your target or aim whether it is to spread ideas or promoting something.

It should be a two-way communication. If you can’t connect, then you can’t achieve the purpose of delivering the speech or presentation. You will be wasting your voice, time and energy with no desirable results.

Don’t worry. It is not impossible to reach your audience. Just focus on their needs and what you can do for them. Once they see how much you care about them, they will connect with you naturally ;)

Written by: Intan Salwana Anis
@2018 Public Speaking Is Cool. All Rights Reserved.

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