Are you going to give a speech soon?

You are asked to deliver a speech at an upcoming event, but you have no idea what to do?

There are many questions in your head,

“What am I going to do?”

“What should I do first?”

“Is there anything I must not forget?”

Do not panic. 

Here is a checklist of things you should do for a speech preparation which may guide you along the way. 😉

1)Find Out About the Event

The first thing you must do is find out whatever you can about the event. Get information regarding the event (where you are going to give the speech).

When will it be held? – Knowing the date is to know whether you can make it or not.

Where is the event? – To know the location and venue; is it far or near? Do you need transportation to get there?

What is the event all about? – It will help you to know what to talk about.

What time will you be giving the speech? – it is crucial to know when you are going to speak.

What are the facilities available? What about the room’s size? - It is important to know what you can use for your speech presentation.

2)Find Out Who Your Audience Are

The next thing you should find out is who your audience are. Who will be listening to you? By knowing who your audience are, you can come up with the right speech topic and use a suitable approach in presenting your speech.

Get information about your audience; for example; their jobs, age, education level, background, language, gender, culture and beliefs. Do not forget to find out how many people will be there. In other words, what is your audience’s size?

3)Write Your Speech

Once you know all about the event and who you will be speaking to; then the next step is to write your speech. Make sure you prepare your speech content well. Do not forget to do some research on your speech topic. If you are not given any specific topic by the organizers, then choose a speech topic that is suitable for your audience and the event.

Write your speech draft many times if you need to until you are satisfied with your speech and come up with a well-organized speech. Writing your speech is one of the most important steps of all which you must do with great passion and careful consideration.

4)Plan Your Speech Presentation

Visualize how you are going to present it. Plan your presentation and picture how you are going to deliver your speech. Decide what you need to use for the presentation.

Will you be using any visual aids?

If yes, should you be using PowerPoint?

Are you going to show some videos?

Do you need any special props?

Is it going to be a long speech?

What are you going to wear?


The next thing to do is to practice your speech presentation. Practice is the key to success. Practice is crucial in your preparation. Even if you think you are a good speaker, practicing is always a good thing. You may think you know what you are going to say but that is not always the case.

Practicing your speech helps you to minimize mistakes on the actual day and give you a chance to do some last-minute improvements. Just make sure you are flexible to any changes and have a back-up plan under your sleeve.

6)Deliver your speech as plan- On The Day

Finally, it is time to deliver your speech. Do come early so you can make the necessary preparation especially if you are planning to use any visual aids. You can test your visual aids to see if everything is alright. This will help you to be well-prepared before you speak. If you know what to expect, everything should be fine.

Deliver you speech with enthusiasm and confidence. Remember to smile at your audience and win their hearts. Remember the purpose of your speech and get the message across. I know giving a speech is a serious business but do not forget to have some fun!

7)Evaluate your speech- get feedback

There is one last thing to do on this checklist – evaluate your speech. You can evaluate your speech after you have delivered your speech. Evaluating your speech will help you to improve yourself and avoid the same mistakes in the future.

You can evaluate your speech by observing your audience’s response. You can ask yourself these questions;
Did they like my speech?

Did they get the message?

Did they understand my points?

Were they paying attention to me when i speak?

Another way to evaluate your speech is by asking your audience. Get some feedback, opinions and suggestions from them. In other words, talk to them!

Finishing the checklist…

1 Find out about the event
2 Find out who your audience are
3 Write your speech
4 Plan your speech presentation
5 Practice
6 Deliver your speech as plan
7 Evaluate your speech

This checklist is only meant to guide you. If you have anything else to add to the checklist, feel free to do so.
Always remember, speech preparation is important. Take a deep breath, plan well and have a great time.

Good Luck!

Written by: Intan Salwana Anis
@2019 Public Speaking Is Cool. All Rights Reserved

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